72 MHz Talk and Listen wireless language interpretation system (ARG-LIS1L72M-20)

Providing language interpretation at parent meetings and other school functions is made easy with Talk & Listen wireless language interpretation systems. Interpreters use the transmitter and microphone headset and ELL parent listeners use the headphones and light-weight receivers. With simultaneous interpretation, ELL parents receive the meeting message at the same time as other meeting listeners. There’s no need to pause and wait for the interpretation.  When translating one language to a group of 20 ELL parents, choose this 72 MHz digital Talk & Listen system. The wireless language interpretation system comes with everything you need to assist with language interpretation.   Drop-in chargers mean you don’t need to worry about replacing dead batteries and the soft-sided, lightweight carry case makes it a breeze to transport to different schools throughout the district. Optional add-on handheld PrivacyMic® allows for language interpretation voice discretion.

The wireless language interpretation system includes key features for maximum performance.

  • Soft-Sided carry case and light weight allows for easy transport and storing.
  • Built-in lithium-ion rechargeable batteries eliminate AA battery cost and waste.
  • Compatibility with 72 MHz systems from ARG or other manufacturers makes system expansion easy.
  • Excellent audio quality
  • 300-foot line of sight range
  • Simple controls make it easy to use

This package comes with:

Thinking about additional accessories? Look at what we have available.


SKU: ARG-LIS1L72M-20 Category:

Retail Price: $3,600

Call for Education Pricing or a Custom Quote 1-888-468-4552